" THE SLAVE AND A LION "


The story teaches us that an act of kindness is always recompensed. It persuades us to foster love, compassion, kindness and sympathy. kindness is the essence of all religions of world. The HOLY QURAN says:

       "Shall the recompense of goodness be other than goodness"

Mark Twain, an American writer says: "Kindness is a language which the dumb can speak, the deaf can hear and the blind can see." Thus we should be merciful and kind to all the creatures of ALLAH.

             In ancient time, the rich war entitles to enslave the poor. A merciless master had many slaver. Androcles was one of them. The master was a sadist. He tormented the slaves just for fun and job. Although Androcles always did his work diligently, his master was never satisfied with his work. The master often got furious at his work and tortured him severely. One day, the poor slave managed to run away from the tyranny of his master. He took refuge in an isolated cave in a wilderness. There, one day, he happened to come across a fierce lion. The lion had a luxuriant mane and huge flashing eyes. The slave was extremely frightened and was about to run always to save his life but then he observed that the lion was limping and moaning with pain. He also observed that one of his paws was badly swollen. He saw that a big thorn had pierced it. As he was a kid-heart person, he decided to relieve the wretched lion of his plight. He observed that the lion's movement for a while. Finally, he took to the risk. He mustered up courage, went near the lion vigilantly and extracted the thorn from his paw. The lion heaved a sigh of relief and cast a look of gratitude at him. After a long time, the solder of the master decided to a cast the unfortunate salve before a hungry lion as a warning for other slaves. On the fixed day the salves were thrown into an amphitheater. The lion came bouncing across the field. He approached the slave and recognized him as the man who had helped him in his distress. Instead of attacking him, the lion began to lick the slave’s feet. As soon as the master heard the incident of the slave’s kindheartedness and bravely, he was moved to tears. He ordered the lion to be set free again in the forest, and the slave to be pardoned and freed.




  (1). DO good and have good                      

(2). One good turn deserves another             

  (3). Virtue never goes waste