What is love?

Love is not about caring, pampering, romantic walks and talks, long drivers, cosy dinner dates, holding hand, cuddles, hugs and sex. Yeah, definitely these are some of things that creates special moment and also mandatory.

But, love is also about growth, showing maturity, sorting out the problems between each other every time and not giving up, accepting the flaws and help to overcome it, supporting in each other’s dreams, giving each other space when needed, appreciating and always being proud of the partner considering them the best person of your life

True love:

                        There’ll always be that

                        First true love. The one

                        That never really worked

                        Out but you kept your

                        hopes up too much. The

                      one who got always. The one

                        who taught you all you

                        need to know about love.

                        And to one that until

                         Now, is still the one you

                      Look back to whenever you

                           Try to love again

I don’t think most people understand what true love is:

                         It’s not the cheesy “couple goals” pasts for Instagram.

                  It’s not the fancy dates, the happy hours,

                  Or the majestic nights laughing at silly movies.


                  True love is walking up in the middle of the night

                  To help you when you’re sick

                   Because I don’t want you to be sick alone.

                   It’s being your shoulder to cry on, to vent

                   True love is being tour biggest cheerleader

                                    And toughest critic.


                    True love is looking at each other on a spiritual level

                    A level so deep, that you can feel them when they’re gone.

                                                    True love is six little words,

                                                     “no matter what, I got you.”


Life partner:

                     What you think ok about life partner life partner is about not who always support you like butter is that who always observe your weakness and your good habits about sometimes you always care you not only support in many people who support you but alike partner that always are you and always see you in happy when you when you are supposing my life partner is that to the life partner was decided by God.

Choose a partner that is good for you. Not good for your parents. Not good for image. Not good for your bank account. Choose someone who is making your life emotionally fulfilling.

Example of short love story:

         A boy was dating a girl who always hurt him. One day, she broke up with him and told him, “I don’t ever want to see you again”

        A few months later, the girl had a change of heart. She realized that she loves the boys, so she went back and said to him, “Give me just one more chance. I love you and I need you. I promise that I will never hurt you again.”

        But the boy just laughed and said to her, “only a fool would take back someone who hurt them so much,”

          The girl felt hopeless and began to cry, but the boy put his arms around her, held her tightly and said, “….and I am one of those fools.”